

School of Information

College of Arts and Sciences

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Dr. Christina Eldredge Publishes Research on "Foundational Domains and Competencies for Baccalaureate Health Informatics Education"

We caught up with Dr. Christina Eldredge in our recently published Fall 2023 Newsletter about her efforts in Health Informatics Education. In that publication she shared her efforts serving on committees to develop accreditation standards for both graduate and undergraduate level health informatics programs. The undergraduate foundational domains in health informatics education were recently published by the Journal of the the American Medical Informatics Association (JAIMIA) and the paper dives further into these efforts to explore competencies that are necessary for curriculum development and Commission o Accreditation for Health Informatics (CAHIIM) accreditation quality assessment for education in applied health informatics. To find out more about her work in undergraduate education to establish accreditation standards, you can read her work .

Dr. Eldredge is the Director of Health Informatics programs at the School of Information.

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