Blog Feed/education/blog/Recent posts from Blogen-usMon, 03 Mar 2025 11:41:02 -05:00 (OU Publish)USF College of Education Celebrates Extra Yard for Teachers Week/education/blog/2023/usf-college-of-education-celebrates-extra-yard-for-teachers-week.aspxUSF College of Education Celebrates Extra Yard for Teachers Week. From The Big Day to game day shoutouts, USF shows appreciation for area educators.Kiley Mallard, Advancement Communications and MarketingWed, 04 Oct 2023 00:00:00 USF College of Education Celebrates Extra Yard for Teachers WeekUSF College of Education Celebrates Extra Yard for Teachers Week. From The Big Day to game day shoutouts, USF shows appreciation for area educators.Nicolette Barone with her students and Rocky/education/blog/2023/usf-college-of-education-celebrates-extra-yard-for-teachers-week.aspxAlumni and Friends,Community EngagementCommunity Partnerships,Events,Hillsborough County Public SchoolsMeet the Dean reception at the AERA conference/education/blog/2023/meet-the-dean-reception-aera.aspxUSF College of Education Bulls attending the 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference gathered for a social networking event at Pizano’s Pizza in Chicago. As part of the conference week, alumni, doctoral students and faculty enjoyed engaging in academic and professional conversation and having the opportunity to meet Dean Rolle.Kathleen RogersTue, 18 Apr 2023 00:00:00 Meet the Dean reception at the AERA conferenceUSF College of Education Bulls attending the 2023 American Educational Research Association (AERA) conference gathered for a social networking event at Pizano’s Pizza in Chicago. As part of the conference week, alumni, doctoral students and faculty enjoyed engaging in academic and professional conversation and having the opportunity to meet Dean Rolle.AERA Meet the Dean Graphic/education/blog/2023/meet-the-dean-reception-aera.aspxAlumni and FriendsConferences,EventsHigh School aspiring educators visit the College of Education/education/blog/2023/high-school-aspiring-educators-visit-the-college-of-education.aspxLast week, over 100 high schoolers – all aspiring educators from River Ridge and Pasco e-School High Schools – were welcomed to the USF Tampa’s College of Education (COEDU). These students experienced a full-day of activities facilitated by college students, staff, and faculty; and, were able to engage in examples of hands-on, highly adaptive methods of instruction in the Collaboratory (i.e., a multi-functional STEM demonstration lab).Jennifer RinckFri, 14 Apr 2023 00:00:00 High School aspiring educators visit the College of EducationLast week, over 100 high schoolers – all aspiring educators from River Ridge and Pasco e-School High Schools – were welcomed to the USF Tampa’s College of Education (COEDU). These students experienced a full-day of activities facilitated by college students, staff, and faculty; and, were able to engage in examples of hands-on, highly adaptive methods of instruction in the Collaboratory (i.e., a multi-functional STEM demonstration lab).Student visitors group photo/education/blog/2023/high-school-aspiring-educators-visit-the-college-of-education.aspxCommunity EngagementEventsCollege of Education celebrates American Education Week, November 13-19/education/blog/2022/college-of-education-celebrates-american-education-week.aspxThe College of Education is celebrating American Education Week, November 13-19, where the public-school community is being honored and recognized nationwide for its tremendous service to help students learn, grow and achieve their dreams.Janella NewsomeThu, 17 Nov 2022 15:00:00 College of Education celebrates American Education Week, November 13-19The College of Education is celebrating American Education Week, November 13-19, where the public-school community is being honored and recognized nationwide for its tremendous service to help students learn, grow and achieve their dreams.Teacher with two young students/education/blog/2022/college-of-education-celebrates-american-education-week.aspxCommunity EngagementEventsEXTRA YARD FOR TEACHERS CELEBRATION: SEPT. 10, 2022/education/blog/2022/extray-yard-for-teachers-2022.aspxExtra Yard for Teachers will take place on September 10, 2022.Wed, 31 Aug 2022 00:00:00 EXTRA YARD FOR TEACHERS CELEBRATION: SEPT. 10, 2022Extra Yard for Teachers will take place on September 10, 2022.Extra Yard for Teachers Flyer/education/blog/2022/extray-yard-for-teachers-2022.aspxCommunity EngagementEventsDavid C. Anchin Center to host ‘5K for K-12’ event for educators in March 2022/education/blog/2021/david-c-anchin-center-5k-for-k12-announcement.aspxThe David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching will host its inaugural marathon, the 5K for K-12, on Saturday, March 26, 2022. The event will serve as a fundraising opportunity to support the Anchin Center’s professional development activities.Rocky D. BullThu, 18 Nov 2021 00:00:00 David C. Anchin Center to host ‘5K for K-12’ event for educators in March 2022The David C. Anchin Center for the Advancement of Teaching will host its inaugural marathon, the 5K for K-12, on Saturday, March 26, 2022. The event will serve as a fundraising opportunity to support the Anchin Center’s professional development activities.5k for K12 event artwork/education/blog/2021/david-c-anchin-center-5k-for-k12-announcement.aspxCenters and Institutes,College of Education NewsDavid C. Anchin Center,EventsUSF College of Education to explore ‘Money, Politics and the Future of Public Education’ at Education in Action event/education/blog/2021/education-in-action-event-announcement-2021.aspxThe USF College of Education will explore how money, politics and power impact public education during the 19th annual Education in Action event on Wednesday, Nov. 17.Rocky D. BullThu, 21 Oct 2021 00:00:00 USF College of Education to explore ‘Money, Politics and the Future of Public Education’ at Education in Action eventThe USF College of Education will explore how money, politics and power impact public education during the 19th annual Education in Action event on Wednesday, Nov. 17.Education in Action Event | November 17, 2021/education/blog/2021/education-in-action-event-announcement-2021.aspxCollege of Education NewsCommunity Partnerships,Educational Leadership,Events,Florida Department of EducationJoin us for USF's Extra Yard for Teachers Celebration on Sept. 18/education/about-us/news/2021/extra-yard-for-teachers-usf-football-2021.aspxTo show our appreciation for the difference you make in the lives of many, we're offering all educators discounted USF Football tickets and an invite to a pre-game tailgate to celebrate Extra Yard for Teachers Week, an annual salute to teachers supported by the College Football Playoff Foundation and its partners.External ArticleMon, 09 Aug 2021 00:00:00 Join us for USF's Extra Yard for Teachers Celebration on Sept. 18To show our appreciation for the difference you make in the lives of many, we're offering all educators discounted USF Football tickets and an invite to a pre-game tailgate to celebrate Extra Yard for Teachers Week, an annual salute to teachers supported by the College Football Playoff Foundation and its partners.Extra Yard for Teachers with USF Football/education/about-us/news/2021/extra-yard-for-teachers-usf-football-2021.aspxAlumni and Friends,College of Education News,Community EngagementEvents,Hillsborough County Public Schools,Pasco County Schools,Pinellas County Schools,Polk County Public Schools,Sarasota County Schools,School District of Manatee CountyCollege of Education to host 16th Annual Education in Action Luncheon/education/about-us/news/2018/education-in-action-luncheon-2018.aspxThe USF College of Education and the Florida State Fairgrounds are proud to host the 16th Annual Education in Action Luncheon on Wednesday, November 14 at the Florida State Fairgrounds Florida Center.External ArticleTue, 30 Oct 2018 15:00:00 College of Education to host 16th Annual Education in Action LuncheonThe USF College of Education and the Florida State Fairgrounds are proud to host the 16th Annual Education in Action Luncheon on Wednesday, November 14 at the Florida State Fairgrounds Florida Center.Education in Action event logo/education/about-us/news/2018/education-in-action-luncheon-2018.aspxCollege of Education NewsEducation in Action,EventsCharles Dorn visits USF, gives historical perspective on 'crisis' in higher education/education/about-us/news/2017/charles-dorn-lecture.aspxBowdoin College Professor Charles Dorn, Ph.D., discussed a historical perspective on higher education and the challenges it faces today during a visit to the USF College of Education.External ArticleFri, 06 Oct 2017 00:00:00 Charles Dorn visits USF, gives historical perspective on 'crisis' in higher educationBowdoin College Professor Charles Dorn, Ph.D., discussed a historical perspective on higher education and the challenges it faces today during a visit to the USF College of Education.Charles Dorn gives a lecture at USF/education/about-us/news/2017/charles-dorn-lecture.aspxAcademics,College of Education NewsEventsEducator Nel Noddings discusses communication gap in society, education during visit to USF/education/about-us/news/2017/nel-noddings-visits-usf.aspxDr. Nel Noddings, an award-winning feminist, educator and philosopher best known for her work regarding the “ethics of care,” visited the USF College of Education.External ArticleFri, 28 Apr 2017 00:00:00 Educator Nel Noddings discusses communication gap in society, education during visit to USFDr. Nel Noddings, an award-winning feminist, educator and philosopher best known for her work regarding the “ethics of care,” visited the USF College of Education.Nel Noddings gives a lecture at USF/education/about-us/news/2017/nel-noddings-visits-usf.aspxAcademics,College of Education NewsEvents,Graduate StudiesUSF College of Education to Empower STEM Educators to Meet Global Demand at 14th Annual Education in Action Luncheon/education/about-us/news/2016/2017-education-in-action-announcement.aspxThe USF College of Education and the Florida State Fairgrounds are proud to host the 14th Annual Education in Action luncheon.External ArticleFri, 09 Sep 2016 00:00:00 USF College of Education to Empower STEM Educators to Meet Global Demand at 14th Annual Education in Action LuncheonThe USF College of Education and the Florida State Fairgrounds are proud to host the 14th Annual Education in Action luncheon.Education in Action Logo/education/about-us/news/2016/2017-education-in-action-announcement.aspxCollege of Education News,Community EngagementEducation in Action,Events