Faculty Toolkit


For the latest university guidance related to tropical weather, refer to the banner message at the top of www.usf.edu. The USF Hurricane Guide and Emergency Management website also serve as a valuable resource for the university community.

This USF Faculty Toolkit provides you with the information and resources necessary to support your course delivery if disruption occurs and there is a need to provide flexible components to meet faculty and student teaching and learning objectives.


Discover Innovative Education鈥檚 Digital Learning resources, including comprehensive how-to guides, tutorials, and support materials. These tools will help you efficiently navigate Canvas and other university teaching and learning platforms, ensuring you can keep teaching seamlessly.

Explore resources on university-wide technology through USF IT.

There are several things to consider as you return to your courses following an extended disruption like a hurricane. The information below from the Center for Innovavation Teaching and Learning (CITL) is a guide to provide approaches and considerations for both yourself and your students as you adjust your semester plans.