USF Institute on Black Life | College of Arts and Sciences | 最新天美传媒

African-American Neighborhoods Project

Did you know that there are at least nine historically Black communities in Tampa? Through a 2013 Research Matters grant awarded to the Institute on Black Life, students and faculty have been collecting research, oral stories, and historical data and documentation in these communities to preserve their history and gain a deeper understanding of concepts such as urban renewal, residential segregation, Jim Crow laws, and activism during the Civil Rights era. Our goal is to continue collecting stories from these communities and continue updating this project website as new data, information, oral histories, photographs, and other items become available to us.


Student Success

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IBL is focused on supporting our students throughout their time at USF! Here you can find information about IBL Scholarship Opportunities and other resources at USF to ensure you have a successful and fulfilling journey at the 最新天美传媒.

Research & Academics

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IBL has partnered with many colleges and programs across campus to ensure diverse and engaging academic programs. Our faculty also partner and collaborate across departments and colleges to complete engaging and transformative research projects. See academic opportunities and research highlights here.

Community Engagement

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IBL hosts an Annual Conference and other events throughout the year. We also promote Community Engagement activities and opportunities across all USF campuses, from academic service-learning to community-based research. For more information about IBL Events and Community Engagement at USF, please visit this page