College of Education
Michelle Bombaugh, PhDAssociate Professor of Instruction and Coordinator of College Student Affairs M.Ed. concentrationbombaugh@usf.edu
Deirdre Cobb-Roberts, PhDProfessor & Affiliate Facultycobbrob@usf.edu
Allison Crume, PhDAffiliate Faculty Dean, Undergraduate Studies and Associate Vice President, Student Successugs-dean@usf.edu
Michael Denton, PhDAssistant Professordenton2@usf.edu
Amber D. Dumford, PhDProfessor, Coordinator of the Higher Education Administration PhD concentrationdumford@usf.edu
Jarrett Gupton, PhDAssistant Professorjgupton@usf.edu
Thomas E. Miller, PhDAssociate Professormillert@usf.edu