Faculty Affairs
Faculty Directory
BME Core Department Faculty
Department Faculty
Robert Frisina, Jr., Ph.D.
Chair and Distinguished University Professor
Research Areas: Development of Bio-therapeutic Systems, Devices and Compounds for
Treating Sensory Deficits; Emphasis on Bench-to-Bedside Investigations of the Auditory
System, and Translational Research on Deafness and Other Neuroengineering Applications.
Office: ENC 3504 | Email | 813-974-4394
Christopher Passaglia, Ph.D.
Associate Chair and Professor
Research Areas: Vision Systems, Neural Signal Processing, Computational Modeling,
Retinal Physiology and Disease
Office: ENG 247 | Email | 813-974-7140 |
Olukemi Akintewe, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Courses taught: , ,,
Office: ISA 7031G | Email | 813-974-6152
Anna Bulysheva, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Gene Delivery, Tissue Engineering, Regenerative Medicine
Office: ENG 241| Email | 813-974-4649
Bo Ding, M.D., M.S.
Research Associate Professor
Research Areas: Investigate the molecular mechanism of age-related hearing loss and
especially characterize the role of autophagy, a highly conserved cellular process,
in the auditory system with aging.
Office: 3802 Spectrum Boulevard, Suite 210 (BPB 210) | Email| 813-974-4124
Loree C. Heller, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Nucleic acid electrotransfer, Non-viral gene therapies, Pattern recognition
Email | 813-974-4637 |
Richard Heller, Ph.D.
Research Areas: The major focus is to develop effective drug and gene delivery. The
emphasis is on translational studies that include the development and testing of new
protocols or devices that can be utilized for potential therapies for cancer, wound
healing, metabolic disorders and vascular diseases (peripheral and coronary ischemia)
as well as vaccine and immunotherapy protocols.
Email | 813-974-1221
Dr. Mark Jaroszeski, Ph.D.
Research Areas: Drug and Gene Delivery, Electrofusion, Biomedical Instrumentation,
Office: ENG 243 | Email | 813-974-4662
Huabei Jiang, Ph.D.
Research Areas: Diffuse optical tomography (DOT), photoacoustic tomography (PAT),
fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT), and bioluminescence tomography (BLT).
Office: ISA 7030A | Email | 813-974-5253
Albert Kim, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Acousto-Bioelectronics, Sensor & Actuator, Implantable Microdevices, BioMEMS
Office: ISA 7031D | Email
Guilan Shi, Ph.D.
Research Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Cancer immunotherapy
George Spirou, Ph.D
Research Areas: Research in the Spirou laboratory is focused on formation of neural circuits in early development and on construction of connectomes, or neural wiring diagrams, at nanoscale resolution. The generation of large image volumes for this work necessitated development of tools to understand these complex data sets. Leveraging long-standing interest in 3D reconstruction of brain structure, he and collaborators joined the revolution in immersive virtual reality to develop software for viewing, annotating and analyzing images. Their software, called syGlass, is marketed by their company, IstoVisio, Inc., which began operation in summer, 2017.
Office: 7037C ISA |Email | 813-974-1425|
Hao Yang, Ph.D.
Research Faculty
Research Areas: Optical-based imaging technologies for in vivo visualization of tissue
at both the macroscopic and microscopic scales.
Office: ISA 7030B | Email | 813-974-4923
Souheil Zekri, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Courses taught: , , ,
Office: ISA 7031F | Email | 813-974-5203
CEE Faculty
Nicholas Albergo, PE, DEE, MSCE
Professor of Practice
Office: ENC 3215 | Email | 813-974-2275
Dr. Katherine Alfredo, PE
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Drinking water quality and treatment, sustainable potable water provisions,
US and international water quality regulation, community support of drinking water
technology and utilities
Office: ENC 3212 | Email | Phone: 813-974-9612
Dr. Christopher L. Alexander
Structures and Materials
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Corrosion diagnosis and control, Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,
Multi-physics modeling
Office: ENC 3208 | Email | Phone: 813-974-1137 |
Dr. Mauricio E. Arias, PE
Water Resources
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Water resources sustainability; Ecological Engineering; Watershed
Hydrology; Water Quality Modeling; Wetland Ecohydrology, Environmental Flows.
Office: ENC 3216 | Email | 813-974-5593 |
Dr. William Carpenter
Structures and Materials
Professor Emeritus
Dr. Jeffrey A. Cunningham
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Contaminant fate/transport, Physical, chemical, & biological processes
for water treatment/water quality control, Water resources & water reuse, Groundwater
remediation, Geologic sequestration of carbon dioxide
Office: ENC 3215 | Email | 813-974-9540 |
Dr. Sarina J. Ergas, PE
Research Areas: Biological treatment processes, Nutrient recovery, Water reuse, Low
impact development technologies, Sustainable algal biofuel systems
Office: ENC 3210 | Email | 813-974-1119 |
Dr. Manjriker Gunaratne, PE
Professor and Department Chair
Research Areas: Modeling of soil and pavement material behavior, modeling of uncertainty
in geotechnical systems using probability methods, fuzzy sets and neural networks,
application of numerical techniques to pavement design and management, application
of digital imaging and satellite technology to solve geotechnical and pavement engineering
Office: ENC 3303 | Email | 813-974-5818
Dr. Stanley C. Kranc, PE
Structures and Materials Professor Emeritus
Research Areas: Fluid mechanics/heat transfer, Numerical analysis/modeling, Philosophy/history
of Technology
Office: ENG 303 | Email | 813-974-5821
Dr. Xiaopeng "Shaw" Li
Associate Professor, Susan A. Bracken Faculty Fellow
Research Areas: Connected automated traffic analysis and control, Sustainable infrastructure
systems design, Sensor networks
Office: ENG 207 | Email | 813-974-0778 |
Dr. Pei-Sung Lin, P.E., PTOE, FITE
Program Director, ITS, Traffic Operations and Safety, Center for Urban Transportation
Research Areas: ITS, Traffic operations, Safety
Office: CUTR 125 | Email | 813-974-4910
Dr. Qing Lu
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Pavement engineering, Asphalt mix design, Pavement management system,
Transportation infrastructure management, Steel bridge deck surfacing
Office: ENC 3209 | Email | 813-974-5822 |
Dr. Fred L. Mannering
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Research Areas: Statistical & econometric methods, Highway safety, Transportation
economics, Automobile demand, Travel behavior.
Office: ENC 3506 | Email | 813-974-5817 |
Dr. Michael Maness
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Travel Behavior, Travel Demand Forecasting, Choice Modeling, Modeling Social Interactions, Emerging Transportation Technologies, Sustainable Transportation, Travel Survey Methods.
Office: CUTR 233 | Email | 813-974-6144 |
Dr. James R. Mihelcic, BCEEM
Environmental | Samuel L. and Julia M. Flom Endowed Professor | Director, National Center for
Reinventing Aging Infrastructure for Nutrient Management
Research Areas: Sustainability, Impact of anthropogenic stressors on water resources,
Water supply, Water reuse, Nutrient management, Water/sanitation/hygiene (WASH) in
the developing world, Engineering education.
Office: ENC 3508 | Email | 813-974-9896 |
Dr. Gray Mullins, PE
Structures and Materials
Research Areas: Foundation Load Testing, Foundation Rehabilitation, Structural/Geotechnical
Instrumentation, Quality Assurance of Drilled Shafts, Post Grouted Drilled Shaft Design/Construction
Office: ENG 42 | Email | 813-974-5845 |
Dr. Mahmood Nachabe, PE
Water Resources
Research Areas: Hydraulics & water supply systems, Soil & ecosystem hydrology, Flow
& contaminant transport in porous media, Stochastic hydrology
Office: ENG 320 | Email | 813-974-5837 | CV
Karim Nohra
Engineering Education
Associate Instructor
Undergraduate advisor
Research Areas:: Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Education
Office: ENC 3301 | Email | 813-974-5594
Dr. Mark Ross, PE
Water Resources
Research Areas: Water resources, Hydraulic & water quality modeling, GIS in Hydrology,
Development of lake & estuary water quality management models & estuary sediment dynamics
Office: ENG 307 | Email | 813-974-5838 | CV
Dr. Alberto Sagüés, PE, FNACE
Structures and Materials
Emeritus Distinguished University Professor
Research Areas: Materials engineering, Corrosion performance of materials for construction
& energy applications, Failure analysis & prevention, Physical metallurgy
Office: ENL 112 | Email | 813-974-5819 |
Dr. Rajan Sen, PE, FACI, FASCE
Structures and Materials
Emeritus Professor and Jefferson Science Fellow
Research Areas: Structural engineering including design of bridges, Dynamic response
of structures, Dynamic behavior of piles, Pre-stress concrete
Office: ENG 41 | Email | 813-974-5820
Dr. Daniel Simkins
Structures and Materials
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Computational mechanics, Numerical analysis, Composite materials,
Computational engineering
Office: ENC 3206 | Email | 813-974-4174 |
Dr. Michael J. Stokes, PE
Structures and Materials
Associate Professor of Instruction
Research Areas: Foundation load testing, Non-destructive foundation integrity testing,
FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer) repair of corroding piles, Engineering education.
Office: ENG 43 | Email | 813-974-8244
Dr. Amy Stuart
Research Areas: Air pollution, Atmospheric chemistry, Environmental computational
modeling, Urban design & human exposure to transportation emissions
Office: CPH 1117 | Email | 813-974-6632 |
Dr. Andrés E. Tejada-MartÃnez
Water Resources
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Numerical simulations of turbulent flows; vertical turbulent mixing
in the upper ocean and coastal shelves; mixing/hydraulic efficiency of water and wastewater
treatment systems; finite element, finite difference and spectral methods for fluids;
parallel computing.
Office: ENC 3207 | Email | 813-974-1738 |
Dr. Maya A. Trotz
Professor | Faculty Fellow at Kiran C. Patel Center for Global Solutions
Research Areas: Sustainability, Water quality, Ecotourism & small scale mining impacts
on sustainable livelihoods, Climate change, Environmental engineering education in
formal & informal settings in the US and in developing countries
Office: ENC 3502 | Email | 813-974-3172 |
Dr. Daniel H. Yeh, PE, LEED AP
Research Areas: Water purification, wastewater resource recovery and life support
in challenging, off-grid and remote environments; Autonomous, self-powered water machines;
Anaerobic and phototrophic membrane bioreactors; Food-to-food (F2F) Biorecycling;
Innovations at water-energy-food nexus.
Office: ENC 3213 | Email | 813-974-4746 |
Dr. Abla Zayed
Structures and Materials
Research Areas: Cementitious systems, Construction materials durability
Office: ENG 221 | Email | 813-974-5823
Dr. Qiong Zhang
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator
Research Areas: Green engineering, Sustainability, Life cycle assessment, Water-energy
nexus, coupled nature-human system modeling, Environmental fate & transport modeling,
Water supply & treatment, Engineering education
Office: ENC 3214 | Email | 813-974-6448 |
Dr. Yu Zhang
Research Areas: Transportation systems modeling & analysis, Air traffic management
& performance evaluation, Sustainable transportation, Energy & Environment, Autonomous
systems, Logistics & freight transportation, Transportation safety
Office: ENC 3211 | Email | 813-974-5846 |
Kristin Morico
Adjunct Professor
Research Areas: Potable water supply/operations/design/policy, Wastewater design/operations,
Air quality policy/science/design, Waste policy/management/circular economy, Remedial
investigation/policy/design, ESG/sustainability, Environment/health/safety compliance
Office: ENC 3210 | Email
Dr. Zachary B. Haber, PE
Structures and Materials
Assistant Professor
Research Areas: Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC), Reinforced and Pre-stressed
Concrete Structures, Bridge Engineering, Strengthening and Preservation of Structures,
Sustainable and Advanced Materials
Office: ENG 40 | Email |
Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Surface Forces and Chemical Characterization • Micellar Surfactants • Nanoparticles • Organic/Inorganic Thin Films
norma@usf.edu | 813-974-8009 | ENC 3201 | Faculty Webpage
Professor and Director of Materials Science & Engineering
Biosensors • Plasmonics • Computational Catalysis
IDRB 218 | bhethana@usf.edu | 813-974-3041 | Faculty Webpage |
Professor and Florida 21st Century World Class Scholar
Metabolic Engineering • Biorefining and Biofuels
ENC 3202 | ramongonzale@usf.edu| 813-974-1223 | Faculty Page |
Distinguished University Professor
Energy Conversion • Solar Energy • Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cells • Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer • HVAC
ENB 260A | goswami@usf.edu | 813-974-0956 | Faculty Webpage |
Interim Chair, Professor, Graduate Advisor
Interfacial Phenomena • Polymeric Materials • Organic – Inorganic Composites • Self – Assembled Systems • Molecular Recognition • Nanoscale/Smart Materials
ENC 3200 | vkgupta@usf.edu | 813-974-0851 | Faculty Webpage |
Associate Professor and Undergraduate Advisor
Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine • Microscale Technologies • Biomaterials • Nanomedicine
ENG 248 | pkoria@usf.edu| 813-974-6243 | Faculty Webpage
Professor, Associate Chair for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies
Heterogeneous Catalysis • Materials Chemistry • Electro – catalysis • Engineering Education • Renewable Energy
IDRB 202D | jnkuhn@usf.edu| 813-974-6498 | Faculty Webpage |
Biomechanics, Prosthetic Design, Creative Processes, Education
ENG 245 | wlee2@usf.edu| 813-974-2136 | Faculty Webpage
Professor of Instruction
Pedagogy and Engineering Education
ENC 3203 | spettit@usf.edu| 813-974-1304 | Faculty Webpage
Associate Professor
Nano-photonic chips for Biomedicine
IDRB 202E | pyayt@usf.edu | 813-974-6250 | Faculty Webpage |
Associate Professor
Polymers • Molecular Simulations • Glass-Forming Materials • Nanocomposites • Elastomers • Films and Interfaces
ENC 3205 | Email | 813-974-4988 | Faculty Webpage |
Assistant Professor
Immunotherapy • Protein Engineering • Cell Engineering • Biomolecular Engineering • High-Throughput Screening Techniques
ENC 2212 | sternl@usf.edu| 813-974-5587 | Faculty Webpage |
Systems engineering • Supercritical fluid technology • Green Engineering • Product and Process Design
ENC 3217 | asunol@usf.edu| 813-974-3566 | Faculty Webpage |
Responsive Polymers • Hydrogels
ENC 3503 | toomey@usf.edu| 813-974-9164 | Faculty Webpage
Dr. Christopher Schemel
Professor of Practice, Founder & President of Delta Q Consultants, Inc.
Research Areas: Fire & explosion safety, hazard identification & hazard analysis,
consequence analysis and quanititaive risk assessment
Emeritus Faculty
Dr. J. Carlos Busot
Emeritus Professor
Research Areas: Reactor design and Simulation, Irreversible Thermodynamics, Engineering
Dr. Carlos Smith
Emeritus Professor
Research Areas: Automatic process control, Dynamic process modeling, Process engineering
| Email |
Dr. Babu Joseph
Emeritus Professor
Research Areas: Modeling, Simulation and Control • Multi – scale Modeling of Systems
• Clean Liquid Fuels from Biomass • Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis
| Email | |
Affiliated Faculty
Dr. Robert Frisina, Jr
Interdisciplinary Distinguished University Professor, Chair of Medical Engineering
Research Areas: Development of Bio-therapeutic Systems, Devices and Compounds for
Treating Sensory Deficits; Emphasis on Bench-to-Bedside Investigations of the Auditory
System, and Translational Research on Deafness and Other Neuroengineering Applications.
Office: ENC 3504 | Email | 813-974-4394 |
Dr. Nathan D. Gallant
Interdisciplinary Professor
Research Areas: Materials, Tissue Engineering, Mechanotransduction
Office: ENC 2407 | Email | 813-974-5840 |
Dr. Mark Jaroszeski
Interdisciplinary Associate Professor
Research Areas: Drug and Gene Delivery, Electrofusion, Biomedical Instrumentation,
Office: ENG 243 | Email | 813-974-4662
Dr. Christopher Passaglia
Interdisciplinary Professor
Research Areas: Vision Systems, Neural Signal Processing, Computational Modeling,
Retinal Physiology and Disease
Office: ENG 247 | Email | 813-974-7140 |
Create Health Faculty
Dr. VandeWeerd is an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering at the University of South Florida and serves as the Director of Research for a large, technology-enhanced healthcare practice in which more than 60 physician's and 100 support personnel provide primary and specialty care to a practice of more than 35,000 patients. Dr. VandeWeerd's research interest focus on the intersection of data, technology and health and she maintains an active research portfolio with more than a million dollars in funded projects from agencies such as Florida's High Tech Corridor and The National Science Foundation. Dr. VandeWeerd is a highly skilled mixed-methods researcher and her work exploring health and healthcare in a community of older adults in central Florida resulted in successful collection of interview, focus group and survey data from more than 30,000 older adults and was awarded the Erickson Award for Excellence in Aging Research by The American Public Health Association. In addition to the conduct of translation-focused data collection and analysis of health outcomes data in hospital, primary-care, and community practice settings, Dr. VandeWeerd's research includes work as a principal investigator in the development of a home-based sensor system that uses passive sensing (i.e. pressure, contact, and motion sensors) to monitor health the health and wellness of older adults. Commercial applications of this technology are currently being explored as part of the National Science Foundation I-Corp Program. In conjunction with development and healthcare partners, Dr. VandeWeerd is also leading a clinical trial exploring the use of BNA (functional EEG) technology as a tool to identify healthy and at-risk brains in late life in support of early-detection of cognitive or mental health impairments. Dr. VandeWeerd's teaching portfolio includes teaching courses on grant writing, applied research, social determinants of health and analytics at the graduate level, and the research lab she leads with her colleague and research partner Ali Yalcin, PhD, actively employs and mentors 20 students from a range of interdisciplinary backgrounds (i.e public health, engineering, aging, computer science, mental health counselling, and biomedical sciences) at the undergraduate, masters and doctoral levels. Dr. VandeWeerd has served as a member of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Value Driven Health Care for the Clinical Effectiveness Research Innovation Collaborative (CERIC), National Academy of Sciences, and she has provided service to her profession as a reviewer for the National Institute of Health (NIH) Community Influences on Behavior Section. Additionally, Dr. VandeWeerd provides service to her professional through work as an active reviewer for 10 journals including The American Journal of Public Health. For fun she scuba dives and rides a Harley Davidson.
Ali Yalcin, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Industrial and Management Systems in the College of Engineering at the ×îÐÂÌìÃÀ´«Ã½. His research interests include health care systems, modeling, analysis, and control of discrete event systems, information systems, data analysis and knowledge discovery, and engineering education. He has taught courses in the areas of systems modeling and analysis, information systems design, and development, systems dynamics and systems simulation. He also co-authored a seminal text, Design of Industrial Information Systems, by Elsevier named the Joint Publishers textbook of the year. His research has been funded by federal agencies and private industry.
José L. Zayas-Castro, PhD, is a Professor of Industrial and Management Systems in the College of Engineering at the ×îÐÂÌìÃÀ´«Ã½. His research interests include health care systems, including modeling, analysis, data analysis, economic analysis, and process improvement. In addition he works at the intersection of engineering entrepreneurship and innovation, the integration of research and engineering education, and diversity and inclusion. Through his career he has taught courses in the areas of statistical data analysis, information systems, cost and economic analysis, project-based/capstone. He has supervised multiple graduate and undergraduate students. His work has been funded by federal and state agencies, and private industry.
CSE Faculty
James Anderson, Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENG 215 | 813-974-3032 | Email
Research: Electrical and Healthcare Networks; Cybersecurity
Marvin Andujar, Assistant Professor
ENB 316 | 813-974-8421 | Email
Research: Brain-computer interfaces; brain-robot interaction; personal informatics; ubiquitous computing; symbiotic interaction; affective computing
Shaun Canavan, Assistant Professor
ENB 315 | 813-974-3137 | Email
Research: Computer vision; face and sketch recognition; expression analysis; human computer interaction; facial feature detection and tracking
Sriram Chellappan, Professor
ENB 317 | 813-974-1379 | Email
Research: Socio-technical systems; cybersecurity; smart health; mobile networking; cyber-physical systems; mobile and wireless computings
Awards: NSF CAREER (2013)
Ken Christensen, Professor and Associate Chair of Undergraduate Affairs
ENB 319 | 813-974-4761 | Email
Research: Performance evaluation of computer networks; high-speed packet switch architectures; energy-efficient networks (green networks)
Awards: NSF CAREER (1998), USF CSE Broadening Participation in Computing Award (2022), USF Kosove Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching and Service Award (2017), USF Excellence in Innovation Award (2009), USF Teaching Incentive Program Award (1998)
Suey-Chun (Roger) Fang, Associate Professor of Instruction
ENG 016 | 813-974-2398 | Email
Research: Data modeling; data warehousing; information systems; deductive databases; visual programming
Alessio Gaspar, Associate Professor
ENB 343E | 813-974-2932 | Email
Research: Evolutionary algorithms; computing education research; computer assisted learning; intelligent tutoring systems
Dmitry B. Goldgof, Distinguished University Professor and Vice Chair
ENB 326 | 813-974-4055 | Email
Research: Medical image analysis; image and video processing; computer vision and pattern recognition; ethics and computing; bioinformatics and bioengineering
Awards: AAIA Fellow (2018), AIMBE Fellow (2017), AAAS Fellow (2016), IAPR Fellow (2010), USF Excellence in Innovation Award (2020)
Lawrence Hall, Distinguished University Professor
ENB 330 | 813-974-4195 | Email
Research: Intelligent systems; machine learning/data mining; fuzzy logic in intelligent systems; artificial intelligence in visual pattern recognition
Awards: AIMBE Fellow (2018), AAAS Fellow (2013), IAPR Fellow (2010), IEEE Fellow (2003)
Isabela M. Hidalgo, Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENB 301B | 813-974-6048 | Email
Research: Human-computer interaction; programming languages
Henrick Jeanty, Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENG 017 | 813-974-1982 | Email
Research: Technical analysis algorithm; optical character recognition
Robert Karam, Assistant Professor
ENB 341 | 813-974-4184 | Email
Research: Hardware security; reconfigurable computing; bioimplantable devices (algorithms & digital hardware)
Srinivas Katkoori, Associate Professor
ENB 258 | 813-974-5737 | Email
Research: High-level synthesis; low power synthesis; radiation tolerant VLSI design and CAD
Awards: NSF CAREER (2001), USF Jerome Krivanek Distinguished Teacher Award (2013), USF Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (2007), USF Outstanding Faculty Research Achievement Award (2003)
Gene Louis Kim, Assistant Professor
ENB 376 | (813)-396-2882 | Email
Research: Gene's research aims to integrate the benefits of neural and symbolic methods for modeling language meaning which supports automatic parsing and computer reasoning while being informed by linguistic semantics.
Seungbae Kim, Assistant Professor
ENB 311 |(813)-396-2881| Email
Research: Artificial intelligence; Graph neural networks; Machine learning (Fairness and Explainability); Social network analysis, Applied data science
Valentina Korzhova, Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENB 343G | 813-974-0909 | Email
Research: Computer vision; image processing; pattern recognition
Wanwan Li, Visiting Assistant Professor
ENB 343K| 3217329405 | Email
Research: Computer Graphics; Virtual Reality; Augmented Reality; Augmented Virtuality; Edutainment & e-Training; Procedural Modeling; Computational Design; Deep Learning; Sketch-Based Interface; Brain-Computer Interface;
John Licato, Assistant Professor
ENB 301D | 813-974-6212 | Email
Research: Artificial Intelligence; natural language processing (NLP); computational cognitive modeling; cognitive science and robotics; automated theorem provers; argumentation; human reasoning
Awards: AFOSR Young Investigator’s Award (2017)
Jay Ligatti, Professor and Director of Graduate Admissions
ENB 333 | 813-974-0908 | Email
Research: Runtime Security Mechanisms; Authentication; Policy Composition; Injection Attacks; Enforceability Theory; Type Systems; Subtyping; Policy-Specification Languages
Awards: NSF CAREER (2008), Best-paper award at ACM PLDI (2007), Test of Time Award at ACM CCS (2015)
Yao Liu, Associate Professor
ENB 336 | 813-974-1079 | Email
Research: Network security; wireless technologies
Awards: NSF CAREER (2016)
Ankur Mali, Assistant Professor
ENB247A | 813-396-2826| Email
Research: Trustworthy AI, Deep learning theory, Natural language processing, Memory augmented neural networks, Physics informed NNs, Bio-inspired neural architectures, and Lifelong learning.
Awards: IVADO Fellow (2022), Harvard Medical and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Postdoctoral Fellow (2022)
Mehran Mozaffari Kermani, Associate Professor
ENB 338 | 813-974-2671 | Email
Research: Fault diagnosis and tolerance in cryptography; cryptographic engineering; computer arithmetic
Awards: USF Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2020), USF Nexus Initiative Global Award (2019), USF College of Engineering Outstanding Junior Research Achievement Award (2018)
John Murray-Bruce, Assistant Professor
ENB 301A | Email
Research: Computational imaging; PDE-constrained inverse problems; Computational sensing; Sampling theory and applications
Tempestt Neal, Assistant Professor
ENB 310 | 813-396-9353 | Email
Research: Biometrics; Applied Smart Sensing; Applied Artificial Intelligence; Inclusive Cybersecurity; Human-Centered Computing
Awards: NSF CAREER Award (2023), Florida Education Fund Junior Faculty Fellow (2021-2022)
Xinming (Simon) Ou, Professor
ENB 339 | 813-974-4522 | Email
Research: Cyber security; cyber physical systems; programming languages; cloud computing; human aspects of computing
Awards: NSF CAREER (2010)
Mauricio Pamplona Segundo, Visiting Assistant Professor
ENB 343H | Email
Research: Computer vision (biometric recognition, remote sensing, video analysis, 3D vision); machine learning (few-shot learning, distribution modeling)
Awards: IET Biometrics Best Paper Award, The IET Premium Awards 2020, IET 2020
Marbin Pazos-Revilla, Assistant Professor of Instruction and Systems Administrator
ENB 343C | 813-974-5043 | Email
Research: Cybersecurity; Cyber-physical systems; Internet of Things; Engineering Education
Les A. Piegl, Professor
ENC 2501 | 813-974-5234 | Email
Research: Computer-aided design; geometric modeling; computer graphics and analysis; design of geometric algorithms
Awards: William Mong Research Fellow The University of Hong Kong (2003), Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow (1985), USF Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (1991), USF Teaching Incentive Program Award (1993)
Dayane Reis, Assistant Professor
ENB 318 |(813)-396-2837| Email
Research: VLSI, low power design, AI accelerators, emerging technologies, hardware security
Awards: Best paper award at the ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Low Power Design in 2018 (ISLPED’18), Cadence Women in Technology (WIT) Scholar 2018/2019
Sudeep Sarkar, Distinguished University Professor and Department Chair
ENB 345 | 813-974-2113 | Email
Research: Computer vision and image analysis; automated sign language; recognition biometrics and human identification; perceptual organization for grouping and segmentation; Bayesian methods
Awards: NAI Fellow (2017), AIMBE Fellow (2016), NSF CAREER (1995), USF Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award (1998)
Schinnel Small, Assistant Professor of Instruction and Undergraduate Program Coordinator for Information
ENB 343F | 813-974-2126 | Email
Research: Programming languages; computer architecture; visual analytics
Yu Sun, Professor
ENB 331 | 813-974-7508 | Email
Research: Intelligent systems; robotics; cyber physical systems and virtual reality; computer vision; medical image processing; deep learning
Awards: USF Excellence in Innovation Award (2018), USF Neuroscience Collaborative Award (2010)
Yicheng Tu, Professor
ENB 340 | 813-974-2114 | Email
Research: Database systems; multimedia systems; distributed systems
Awards: NSF CAREER (2013), USF Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2014), USF Outstanding Faculty Award (2014)
Philip Ventura, Associate Professor of Instruction
ENG 211 | 813-974-0552 | Email
Research: Computer science education; pedagogy of object orientation; objects-first introductory CS curricula
Jing Wang, Professor of Instruction and Director of Broadening Participation in Computing
ENC 3501 | 813-974-6897 | Email
Research: Computer animation; broadening participation in computing; undergraduate computer science and engineering education
Awards: USF Women in Leadership & Philanthropy Dr. Kathleen Moore Faculty Excellence Award (2020), Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award, ×îÐÂÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (2011)
Alfredo Weitzenfeld, Professor and Associate Chair of Graduate Affairs
ENB 314 | 813-974-4905 | Email
Research: Biologically-inspired robotics; cognitive robotics; humanoid robots; multi-robot systems
Julia Woodward, Assistant Professor
ENB 332 | 813-396-2828 | Email
Research: Human-centered computing, human-computer interaction, natural user interfaces, child-computer interaction, mobile computing, multimodal interaction, learning technologies
Awards: National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow (2019)
Attila A. Yavuz, Associate Professor
ENG 117 | 813-974-0419 | Email
Research: Applied cryptography; privacy enhancing technologies; light-weight cryptography; cyber-security for critical cyber-infrastructures (e.g., internet of things and cloud systems); network security
Awards: NSF CAREER (2017-2023), Cisco Research Awards (2019,2020, 2022), USF Excellence in Innovation Award (2022), USF Faculty Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2020), USF College of Engineering’s Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2020)
Yan Zhang, Assistant Professor of Instruction
ENB 343A | 813-974-9653 | Email
Research: Congestion control and energy optimization in data center networks; content delivery acceleration over wide area networks; energy efficient networking
Hao Zheng, Associate Professor
ENB 312 | 813-974-4757 | Email
Research: Hardware/Software testing and verification; embedded systems; computer architecture; VLSI design; electronic design automation
Awards: NSF CAREER (2006), Best Paper Award, the 21st International SPIN Symposium of Model Checking of Software (2014), USF Outstanding Research Achievement Award (2007)
Adjunct Faculty
William Gauvin
Carol Hoeke
Richard Rauscher
Emeritus Faculty
Harvey Glass, Emeritus Professor
Research: Operating systems; programming languages; embedded systems design
Abraham Kandel, Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Research: Applied fuzzy logic and computational intelligence; software testing and productivity;
decision-making in uncertain environments; data mining
Rangachar Kasturi, Douglas W. Hood Professor Emeritus
Research: Computer vision; pattern recognition; document image analysis
Rafael Perez, Professor
Research: Artificial intelligence; neural networks; genetic algorithms
Dewey Rundus, Emeritus Professor
Research: Human-computer interaction
Murali Varanasi, Emeritus Professor
Research: Coding theory; computer arithmetic
Courtesy Faculty
Peter R. Mouton, Courtesy Faculty
Matthew Peterson, Courtesy Faculty
Paul Sanberg, Courtesy Faculty
John Skvoretz, Courtesy Faculty
Jean-Francois Biasse
Ankit Shah
EE faculty
Sanjukta Bhanja, Ph.D., Professor and Executive Associate Dean, University of South
Florida (2002)
Office: ENB 376 | Lab: ENB 349A | Phone: (813) 974-4755 | Email
Dr. Bhanja's Fact Sheet
Dr. Bhanja's research is in Nano-Computing using Beyond-CMOS Emerging Technologies: modeling, fabrication, characterization and design automation harnessing unique properties of the nano-devices. Her recent work focuses on nano-magnetic logic, spin-couple computing, organic spintronics, straintronics, resistive logic/memory in creating unique computing paradigm. The target application domains are futuristic programmable magnetic grids for Computer Vision applications, Data-centric Embedded/Secured computing, Graphical Probabilistic Models for Stochastic High Performance Computing and Next generation Memories.
Robert H. Bishop, Ph.D., P.E., Professor and Dean, Rice University (1990)
Office: ENB 105L | Phone: (813) 974-3780 | Email
Dr. Bishop is a specialist in the area of systems theory, guidance and control of
aerospace vehicles, and navigation and estimation theory with applications across
a broad range of global challenges. His current research interests are in the area
of advanced navigation algorithm development with fast-to-flight characteristics,
integrated navigation and guidance for planetary precision landing, small satellites
and unmanned aerial vehicles. Dr. Bishop was selected twice as a Faculty Fellow of
the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and as a Welliver Fellow of the Boeing Company.
Alexandro Castellanos, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Instruction, University of South
Florida (2006)
Office: ENB 379D | Phone: (813) 974-1025 | Email
Dr. Castellanos's research interests lie in the area of cyber physical systems, embedded
systems, Internet of things (IoT) and control theory for industrial applications in
the areas of Mechatronics and Industrial Automation.
Morris Chang, Ph.D., Professor, North Carolina State University (1993)
Office: ENB 255 | phone: (813) 974-4894 | Email
Dr. Chang's research interests are in the broad area of computer and wireless networking
systems, with recent emphasis on cybersecurity: Attribution, Program Analysis for
cybersecurity and privacy-preserving Internet Computation; Energy-aware mobile and
cloud systems; Energy-efficient wireless networks.
Kwang-Cheng Chen, Ph.D., Professor and Fellow of the IEEE, University of Maryland,
College Park (1989)
Office: ENB 245 | Phone: (813) 974-1023 | Email
Dr. Chen's Fact Sheet
Dr. Chen's research interests lie in information communication technology essential to digital society, particularly in large networks and computations. Specific interests include large communication networks: Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems and Edge Computing, 5G Mobile Communications and Beyond, Ad Hoc Sensor Networking, In-Network Computations and Approximate Computing, Cognitive Radio Networks, Secure Communications and Resilient Networks; Large Information Networks: Social Networks, Big Data Analytics, Multi-Agent Systems and Collective Behavior, Fusion and Decision on Heterogeneous/Multimodal Data, Biochemical Reaction Networks and Applications to Synthetic Biology and Systems Biology, Decision under Uncertainty, and Cybersecurity and Privacy
Larry Dunleavy, Ph.D., Professor, University of Michigan (1988)
Office: ENB 364 | Phone: (813) 974-2574 | EmailDr. Dunleavy's Fact Sheet
Dr. Dunleavy's research interests are related to microwave and millimeter-wave device,
circuit and system design, characterization and modeling.
Lingling Fan, Ph.D., P.E., Professor, West Virginia University (2001)
Office: ENB 247 | Phone: (813) 974-2031 | EmailDr. Fan's Fact Sheet
Dr. Fan's research is focused on renewable energy source grid integration, modeling
and control of energy systems, large-scale power system planning and operation.
Christos Ferekides, Ph.D., Department Chair and Professor, ×îÐÂÌìÃÀ´«Ã½
Office: ENB 256 | Phone: (813) 974-4818 | Email
Dr. Ferekide's Active Research Projects
Dr. Ferekides' research interests include thin-film electronic materials and devices
for optoelectronic applications; thin film depositions and properties; device fabrication
and characterization.
Nasir Ghani, Ph.D., Professor, University of Waterloo, Canada (1997)
Program Director Masters in Cybersecurity, and Academic Research Director Cyber Florida
Office: ENB 374 | Phone: (813) 974-4772 | Email
Dr. Ghani is involved in a wide range of research activities in the areas of cybersecurity,
networking, disaster recovery, cloud computing, and cyber-physical systems (integrated
power grids). In addition, his research has been supported by the National Science
Foundation, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Department of Energy, Qatar Foundation,
Department of Education, and Sprint-Nextel Corporation. He also received the NSF CAREER
Award in 2005 for his work on multi-domain networking as well as the UNM Lawton-Ellis
Award in 2011 for excellence in research, teaching, and outreach.
Drew Hoff, Ph.D., Professor and Graduate Program Director, Penn State University (1988)
Office: ENB 248 | LAB: ENB 111 | Phone: (813) 974-4958 | Email
Dr. Hoff's Fact Sheet
Dr. Hoff's research interests include: Afterglow chemical processing of materials for electronics, sensor, and MEMS applications; Oxide formation on Si & SiC, Diamond processing, Surface Conditioning, Noncontact Corona Kelvin Metrology of electronic materials; Dielectrics, SiC, Corona Ion-Assisted delivery of drugs and DNA to Skin and Tissue, Noncontact voltage and corona characterization of cells and tissue, Contamination monitoring and control in IC Manufacturing, Microsystem and MEMS fabrication, Integrated Circuit manufacturing and in-line testing, and Workforce development and training for technology professionals.
Chung Seop Jeong, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Instruction, Marquette University
Office: ENB 253 | Phone: (813) 974-6415 | Email
Dr. Jeong's research interests lie in the area of control systems with specialty in
designing resilient, robust, optimal, and adaptive observers and controllers for linear,
nonlinear, stochastic, and chaotic systems.
Zhuo Lu, Ph.D., Associate Professor, North Carolina State University (2013)
Office: ENB 347 | Phone: (813) 974-8259 | Email
Dr. Lu's research interests broadly include network science, cyber security, data
analytics, wireless and mobile communication networking, and cyber-physical systems.
Zhixin Miao, Ph.D., P.E, Associate Professor: West Virginia University (2002)
Office: ENB 370 | Phone: (813) 974-4237 | Email
Dr. Miao's Fact Sheet
Dr. Miao's research interests include smart grid automation, electric power system
modeling and simulation, microgrid technologies to integrate renewable energy and
energy storage, and power market.
Wilfrido A. Moreno, Ph.D., Professor, ×îÐÂÌìÃÀ´«Ã½ (1993)
Office: ENB 254 | Phone: (813) 974-4775 | Email
Dr. Moreno's research interests are: Energy, Power Electronics and Controls Option
Supervisor- Primary areas of interest include System integration for industrial applications
in the areas of Industrial Controls & Instrumentation, Robotics, Digital Signal Processing,
Reconfigurable Architectures, Analog-Digital Mixed Signal Design & Synthesis, Communications
and Biomedical Engineering. Other areas of current interest are the use of Lasers
in developing new methods and techniques for electronic circuitry interconnects and
test validation of VLSI fault tolerant designs, Laser Restructuring for quick prototyping
of electronic circuits; laser machining and Multimedia & Instructional Technologies
Solutions for Engineering Education including Distance Learning.
Gokhan Mumcu; Ph.D., Professor, The Ohio State University, (2008)
Office: ENB 362 | Phone: (813) 974-8178 | Email
Dr. Mumcu's Fact Sheet
Dr. Mumcu's research is focused on electromagnetic theory, computational electromagnetics,
THz imaging systems, metamaterials and their applications to small directive radiators
and printed miniature antennas.
Mia (Mahshid) Naeini, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico (2014)
Office: ENB 244A | Phone (813) 974-1597 | Email
Dr. Naeini's Fact Sheet
Dr. Naeini's research interests lie in the area of network science, stochastic processes,
system modeling, network mining, network analytics, machine learning, and prediction
models with applications in communication networks, cyber-physical-human systems with
particular emphasis on smart grids, and their reliability, security and performance
Ashwin B. Parthasarathy, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, The University of Texas at Austin
Office Location: ENB 257 | Phone: 813-974-7407 | Email
Dr. Parthasarathy's Fact Sheet
Dr. Parthasarathy's research interests are in the development of novel biomedical instrumentation and imaging techniques with optics, and the clinical translation of these medial devices for applications that include bedside diagnoses/monitoring of brain injuries (e.g., strokes, traumatic brain injury), intraoperative imaging, and critical care monitoring. The ultimate goal of Dr. Parthasarathy's research is utilize these custom clinical biomedical devices and directly measure tissue physiology at the bedside, thereby developing non-invasive biomarkers of disease, bedside disease models, and thus personalized optimization of treatment..
Stephen E. Saddow, Ph.D., Professor, University of Maryland at College Park (1993)
Office: ENB 243 | Phone: (813) 974-4773 | Email
Dr. Saddow's research interests are to develop wide-bandgap silicon carbide semiconductor
materials for Bio, Nano and MEMS applications His ultimate research objective is to
develop smart implants and sensors for biomedical and harsh environment applications.
Prof. Saddow was jointly appointed in 2009 to the college of medicine where he is
working to develop 3C-SiC based devices for insertion into the nervous system. The
goal is the realization of brain-machine-interface (BMI) devices based on SiC. His
group has demonstrated the biocompatibility of SiC with neural cells, both in-vitro
and in-vivo, and has demonstrated the biocompatibility of epitaxial graphene on SiC.
Ravi Sankar, Ph.D., P.E., Professor, Penn State University (1985)
Office: ENB 373 | Phone: (813) 974-4769 | EmailDr. Sankar's Fact Sheet
Dr. Sankar's main research interests are in the multidisciplinary areas of wireless
communications, networking, signal processing and its applications. In particular,
in the communications and networking area, his research interests are on the resource
and mobility managements of wireless cellular, ad-hoc, and sensor networks, energy-efficient
protocol design and cross-layer optimization. In the signal processing area, emphasis
is on all aspects of processing from feature extraction, coding, and recognition to
machine learning applied to speech, biomedical and other signals and in integrating
intelligent techniques including the use of neural networks and fuzzy logic in the
simulation, modeling, and design of high performance and robust systems. His current
focus is on the use of wearable sensors and technologies for advancing health care.
Rudy Schlaf, Ph.D., Professor, Technische Universitat Berlin, Germany (1995)
Office: IDRB 202F | Phone: (813) 974-8463 | EmailDr. Schlaf's Fact Sheet
Dr. Schlaf's main research interests currently span the following areas: Spray based
deposition of macro-molecular thin films and interfaces, photoemission spectroscopy
on organic semiconductor/bio-materials interfaces, work function measurements, directed
assembly of macromolecular materials, biosensors, thin film photovoltaics, and electronic
structure and growth phenomena of atomic layer deposition thin films.
E. K. Stefanakos, Ph.D., P.E., Professor, Washington State University (1969)
Office: ENB 250 | Phone: (813) 974-4413 | Email
Dr. Stefanakos' Fact Sheet
Research interests: clean energy; photovoltaics.
Arash Takshi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of British Columbia (2007)
Office: ENC 2502 | Phone: 813-974-1121 | Email
Dr. Takshi's Fact Sheet
Dr. Takshi's primary research interest research is in the field of renewable energy.
In particular, he is interested in the research on bio/organic solar cells. He believes
that employing new materials can push the limits in solar cells, beyond what silicon
technology can offer. Furthermore, using emerging materials, new devices with special
features can be developed to address some of the existing challenges in the application
of renewable energy.
Sylvia Thomas, Ph.D., Professor, Howard University (1999)
Interim Vice President for Research & Innovation, President & CEO of the USF Research
Foundation, Inc.
Office: ENB 368 | Phone: (813) 974-4011 | EmailDr. Thomas' Fact Sheet
Dr. Thomas' research and teaching endeavors are in the areas of Advanced Materials
for applications in alternative energy sources, sustainable environments, and bio-applications
for nano-electro mechanical system (NEMS) devices – nanowires and nanoparticles. Her
research explores the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth nucleation, film characterization,
and device fabrication of III-V and II-IV materials, such as AlN and SiC. Her research
is interdisciplinary in nature and fosters collaborations with Chemical and Biomedical
and Mechanical Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, Public Health, Medicine, and the Nanomaterials
and Nanomanufacturing Research Center (NNRC).
Ismail Uysal, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director, University
of Florida (2008)
Office: ENB 366 | Phone: (813) 974-8823 | Email
Dr. Uysal's research interests include applications of wireless and radio frequency identification (RFID) technologies for cold chain, pharmaceuticals and healthcare; as well as sensory data analysis, algorithm design and machine learning for different Internet-of-Things (IoT) ecosystems.
Stavros Vakalis, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Michigan State University (2022)
Office: ENB 357 | Email
Dr. Vakalis' research interests lie in the area of applied electromagnetics with an
emphasis on wireless millimeter-wave systems, millimeter-wave imaging, radar, sensing,
signal processing, and communications.
Jing Wang, Ph.D., Professor, University of Michigan (2006)
Office: ENB 378 | Phone: (813) 974-6011 | EmailDr. Wang's Fact Sheet
Dr. Wang's research interests include nano/microfabrication, nanomaterials, RF MEMS
devices, on-chip power generation, microfluidics, MEMS transducers, RF integrated
circuit, wide bandgap materials, polymer nanocomposite and responsive polymers.
Yasin Yilmaz, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Columbia University, 2014
Office: ENB 251 | Phone (813) 974-4788 | Email
Dr. Yilmaz's research interests are in the broad area of machine learning with applications in computer vision, cybersecurity, IoT, wireless communications, energy systems, transportation systems, socioeconomic systems, and environmental systems.
Emeritus Faculty
Kenneth Buckle
Richard Gitlin
Arthur David Snider
Thomas Wade
Courtesy Faculty
Yoganand (Yoga) Balaguranathan
Prasanta Kumar Biswas
Anna Pyayt
Ghulam Rasool
Ehsan Sheybani
Pei-yuan Wu
Kaiqi Xiong
Adjunct Faculty*
Michael Celestin
James Culver
Timothy Fawcett
Jorge Galvis
Joel Howell
*May not be scheduled to teach every semester
IMSE Faculty
Dr. Patricia Anzalone, CPEM
Professor of Instruction & MSEM Program Director
Research Interests: Engineering Management, Human-Machine systems Engineering, Quality
and Continuous Improvement, and Safety Engineering Office: ENC 2202 | Phone:
Dr. Hadi Charkhgard
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Multi-Objective Optimization, Operations Research, Integer Programming,
and Artificial Inteligence
Office: ENC 2509 | Phone: 813-974-2090 |
Dr. Jamie Chilton
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Research Interests: Engineering Education, Engineering Management, Productivity, Economics,
and Entrepreneurship
Office: ENG 009 | Phone: 813-974-7918
Dr. Tapas K. Das
Department Chair
Research Interests: Pandemic Mitigation, Healthcare Engineering, and Electric Power
Systems & Policy
Bio | Office: ENC 2403|Phone: 813-974-5585
Dr. Changhyun Kwon
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Transportation Systems Analysis, Service Operations, and Risk
Office: ENC 2506 | Phone: 813-974-5588|
Dr. Susana Lai-Yuen
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Deep learning, Machine Learning, Image Analysis, Computational
Geometry, and Engineering Education
Office: ENC 2505 | Phone: 813-974-5547 |
Dr. Trung Le
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Data-Driven and Sensor-based Modeling, Bio-instrumentation and
Bio-signal Processing, Predictive analytics
Office: ENC 2200 |
Dr. Mingyang Li
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Data Science and Informatics, Bayesian Statistics, Reliability
and Quality, and Heathcare Analytics
Office: ENC 2203|Phone: 813-974-5579 |
Dr. Kingsley Reeves
Associate Professor, Undergraduate Director
Research Interests: Education Engineering, Lean Six Sigma, and Engineering Education
Office: 2405 | Phone: 813-974-3352 |
Dr. Alex Savachkin
Associate Professor
Graduate Director (IE)
Research Interests: Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems
| Office: ENC 2201 | Phone: 813-974-5577
Dr. Ankit Shah
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Cybersecurity Analytics, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Adversarial
Machine Learning, Combinatorial Optimization, and Stochastic Dynamic Programming
| Office : ENC 2211 | Phone: 813-974-5584
Dr. Walter Silva
Assistant Professor of Instruction & Director of Graduate Certificate Programs.
Research Interests: Pandemic Mitigation, Data Analytics, Applied O.R., and Engineering
Office: ENG 010 | Phone: 813-974-9442
Dr. Michael Weng
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Applied O.R., Computer Numeric Methods, and Scheduling
Office: ENC 2211 | Phone: 813-974-5575
Dr. Ali Yalcin
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Health and Engineering Systems Modeling, Analytics Applications,
and Engineering Education
Bio & |Office: ENC 2213 | Phone: 813-974-5590
Dr. José Zayas-Castro
Research Interests: Healthcare Systems Engineering, Economic and Cost Systems, Manufacturing
and R&D strategy, Engineering Education, and Engineering Entrepreneurship
Office: ENC 3509 | Phone: 813-974-5589
ME faculty
Nicholas Baksh
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Research Area: Biomaterials, Polymers Synthesis
Office: ENG 214 | Email
Glen Besterfield
Associate Professor
Dean, Admissions
Associate Vice President, Student Success.
Research Area: Finite Element Analysis, Computational Mechanics, Mechanical Design,
Bascule bridges
Email | Phone: 813-905-4681
Redwan Alqasemi
Research Professor and Lead Researcher, CARRT
Research Areas: Robotics, Assistive Technology, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Prosthetics,
Office: ENG 007 | Phone: 813-974-2115 | | |
Stephanie Carey
Assistant Research Professor
Research Area: Applied Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering, Prosthetics
Office: ENG 008 | Phone: 813-974-5765 |
Rajiv Dubey
Professor & Department Chair
Research Area: Rehabilitation Robotics; Prosthetics and Orthotics, Dynamic Systems
and Controls
Office: ENC 2303 | Phone: 813-974-5619 |
Nancy Diaz-Elsayed
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Manufacturing; Smart and Sustainable Systems; Data-Driven Modeling
Email | Office: ENB 334 |
Delcie Durham
Professor Emerita
Research Area: Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing
Nathan Gallant
Associate Professor & Graduate Program Director
Research Area: Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Office: ENC 2504 | Phone: 813-974-5840 |
Miguel Goni Rodrigo
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Research Area: Nanoscale Heat Transfer and Solid Mechanics
Office: ENC 1203 | Phone: 813-974-7364
Rasim Guldiken
Associate Professor & Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Research Area: Microfluidics, Acoustics, MEMS, Engineering Education Research
Email | Phone: 813-974-5628
Daniel Hess
Research Area: Vibrations, Friction, Fasteners
Office: ENC 2205 | Phone: 813-974-5643
Autar Kaw
Research Area: Engineering Education Research, Mechanics
Office: ENC 2215 | Phone: 813-974-5626
Ashok Kumar
Research Area: Nanomaterials, Microelectronics, Thin Film Technology
Office: ENB 252 | Phone: 813-974-3942 | |
Craig Lusk
Associate Professor
Research Area: Compliant Mechanisms and Biomechanics
Office: ENC 2507 | Phone: 813-974-1394
Wenbin Mao
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Cardiovascular Biomechanics
Office: ENB 372A | Phone: 813-974-6636 |
Ajit Mujumdar
Professor of Instruction & Undergraduate Program Director
Research Area: Powder Technology, Discrete Element Simulations
Office: ENC 1201 | Phone: 813-974-9677 |
David Murphy
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Fluid Mechanics, Animal Biomechanics, Oil Spills
Office: ENC 2204 | Phone: 813-974-5625 |
Frank Pyrtle, III
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Research Area: Thermal Management, Heat Transfer
Office: ENC 3507 | Phone: 813-974-9015 |
Kyle Reed
Associate Professor
Research Area: Rehabilitation Engineering and Haptics
Office: ENC 2503 | Phone: 813-974-2385 | |
Arman Sargolzaei
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Linear and Non-linear Control Theory, Security of Networked Control Systems, Safety
and Security of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Control and Optimization,
Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Email | Office: ENC 2510 | Phone: 813-974-5578 |
Alex Volinsky
Associate Professor
Research Area: Thin Films Processing, Mechanical Properties and Characterization
Office: ENC 2214 Phone: 813-974-5658 |
Michael Cai Wang
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Nano-science/nano-manufacturing, Interfacial/surface phenomena
Office: ENC 2206 | Phone: 813-974-8586 |
Stuart Wilkinson
Associate Professor
Research Area: Energy Systems Design, Bionomic Engineering
Office: ENG 131 | Phone: 813-974-5645
Shuh Jing Ying
Professor Emeritus
Office: ENG 146 | Phone: 813-974-5627
Ipek Yucelen
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Research Area: Nanoscale Materials
Office: ENG 118C | Phone: 813-396-9353
Tansel Yucelen
Associate Professor
Research Area: Systems and Control
Office: ENC 2209 | Phone: 813-974-5656 |
Sarah (Ying) Zhong
Assistant Professor
Research Area: Energy Management Technologies and Smart Health Improvement Systems
Office: ENC 2508 | Phone: 813-974-7909 |