Election Rules & Resources
The Election Rules Commission is here to support and conduct elections. Below are resources and election guidelines.
- Campaign Budget Expense Statement
- Campaign Staff List
- Official Grievance Form
- Final Candidate Presentation -Executive Branch Positions: Pres/VP/Gov/Lt. Gov for the Spring General Election. (This will be posted following the required candidate meetings)
- Final Candidate Presentation - Legislative Branch positions:Senate/Campus Council for the Fall Midterm Election and the Spring General Election. (This will be posted following the required candidate meetings)
Senators and Campus Council Representatives (Legislative Branch) are elected once a semester - during the midterm election (October) and general election (February) and serve one year terms. Midterm Senators/Campus Council Representatives will serve out the current year they are elected to (October to May). The Student Body President/Vice President and the respective campus Governors/Lt. Governors (Executive Branch) are elected during the general elections and serve a one-year term beginning in late Spring (May to May).
Vote Online
Go to to cast your vote. You will use your NetID and password to login.
Should you be given a voting error please contact the following per campus to request a paper ballot:
Tampa: Chris Bullins at bullins@usf.edu
St. Pete: Janice Bao at jbao@usf.edu
Sar/Man: Cassandra Benjamin at cbenjamin1@usf.edu
Questions? Contact the Election Rules Commission Supervisor at SG Supervisor of Elections!