Emergencies While Abroad
Preparation for Emergencies Abroad
- Download and install the International SOS Travelers Assistance App on your smartphone. Use policy number 399GDA1018486IT when creating your account.
- Complete an Emergency Card with important phone numbers. Save a copy in your email and on your phone. Print
and carry it with you.
- Print and carry a copy of your International SOS Enrollment Card. Refer to the Insurance Information section for policy details.
- Communication:
- Save emergency contact numbers to your phone.
- Download and set up the ISoS Assistance app.
- Install Whatsapp for text and recorded voice communication with USF World on-call
- Learn . Travel with a phone that works internationally or unlock your phone to use a foreign SIM card.
- Download and install the International SOS Travelers Assistance App on your smartphone. Use policy number 399GDA1018486IT when creating your account.
When Will USF or ISOS Contact You?
- International SOS will send alerts about security and health events affecting you
or your program country.
- USF World may contact you or your emergency contacts under specific circumstances. Monitor your USF email and keep your phone charged.
- International SOS will send alerts about security and health events affecting you
or your program country.
Seeking Help and Assistance While Abroad
- Keep your Emergency Contact Card accessible.
- International SOS and the offer smartphone-friendly apps and websites for traveler support.
- Keep your Emergency Contact Card accessible.
Emergency Assistance Abroad
For Life-Threatening Emergencies:
- Contact International SOS via the app or call center for medical, mental health, and
safety emergencies. Use membership number 399GDA1018486IT.
- Notify your on-site contact for further assistance.
- Contact USF Police Department at +1-813-974-2628.
- .
- Stay in contact with your family.
- Contact International SOS via the app or call center for medical, mental health, and
safety emergencies. Use membership number 399GDA1018486IT.
For Non-Life-Threatening Incidents:
- Contact International SOS for assistance with lost documents, money transfers, legal
referrals, and more. (Some of these services may be charged to the individual traveler).
- Notify your on-site contact.
- Contact your USF Global Learning Program Coordinator during business hours.
- .
- Contact International SOS for assistance with lost documents, money transfers, legal
referrals, and more. (Some of these services may be charged to the individual traveler).
Reporting Crime to USF
Report crimes or sexual harassment to USF. Follow the reporting procedures for Clery Act crimes and Title IX, Violence Against Women Act. Sometimes ý is not notified of incidents due to privacy laws in your host country. Contact USF directly if you're the victim of a crime and seek support from USF resources.
USF and Community Resources If You Are a Victim of a Crime
- USF Police Department: 00 1 813 974 2628
- USF Center for Victim’s Advocacy 24/7 Help Line: 813-974-5757 (Tampa), 941-504-8599 (Sarasota-Manatee), 727-873-4422 (St. Petersburg)
- USF Counseling Center: 813-974-2831
- USF Office of Student Rights and Responsibility: 813-974-9443
- USF Diversity, Inclusion, and Equal Opportunity Office: 813-974-4373
- Crisis Center of Tampa Bay: 813-234-1234
- Suncoast Center, Inc.: 727-530-7273 (Sexual Assault Service Helpline)