
Job Market Candidates

Placement Director
Professor Andrei Barbos
Telephone: 813-974-6514


2023-2024 Job Market Candidates

Candidate Fields Dissertation Chair(s) Job Market Paper

Gazanfar Karimli


Personal Website:

Health Economics; Industrial Organization The Effects of Medicare Eligibility on the Utilization of Cancer Screening Tools and Healthcare Expenditures   Padmaja Ayyagari The Effects of Medicare Eligibility on the Utilization of Cancer Sreening Tools

Jiaosi Li


Personal website:

Health Economics The Impact of Critical Illness Insurance Among Older Adults in China Padmaja Ayyagari The Impact of Critical Illness Insurance on Consumption and Savings

Jingxin Nie


Personal website:

Health Economics The Impact of Health Care Reforms Padmaja Ayyagari The Effect of Access to Mental Health Care on Health Behaviors